Few things look or feel as sexy as smooth, soft skin. While good moisturizers and regular facials can play important roles in achieving that goal, dermaplaning can offer even more remarkable results, with smoother, sexier skin from the very first treatment. Dermaplaning combines the benefits of exfoliation and deep cleansing to leave your complexion looking more refreshed, rejuvenated, and youthful. At Qvita Health & Wellness, we offer state-of-the-art dermaplaning treatments aimed at helping you take your skin to the next level of sexiness.
What is dermaplaning?
Dermaplaning is a special technique that uses a very fine surgical blade to gently remove dull, dry, dead skin cells on the very surface of your skin. At the same time, the blade also gets rid of very fine “peach fuzz” hairs called vellum. Everyone has fine facial hair, not just in the typical areas around the mouth and chin (the usual shaving areas for men), but across the entire facial region. Often, these hairs are so fine and tiny, they can’t be seen easily unless a bright line shines on them or they’re backlit. Even then, it can be difficult to see them. Other people — especially people with very coarse hair — may have vellum that’s much easier to see.
Regardless of how visible your fine facial hair may be, those tiny hairs can still interfere with makeup application, making the final results less smooth and “picture-perfect” than you’d like. Plus, the hairs can trap dirt, oils, and dead skin cells, making you more prone to breakouts and causing your skin to look dull and listless. Dermaplaning starts with a gentle but deep cleansing and application of a toner, then follows with exfoliation using the steel blade. The blade is very sharp (in fact, dermaplaning is sometimes called a scalpel facial), and the technique must be performed by a licensed aesthetician like the aestheticians here at Qvita Health & Wellness.
During the treatment, the aesthetician will gently pull your skin to make the surface of the treatment area very taut, allowing the blade to just skim the surface. Unlike some other facial treatments like microdermabrasion that can irritate your skin, dermaplaning is good for all skin types, and once your treatment is complete, your skin will look and feel completely smooth, soft, and flawless. And since there’s no downtime, dermaplaning can be performed right before a special event so you look your absolute best and feel completely confident.
It sounds like shaving
Yes, gently moving a sharp blade across your skin to remove those tiny hairs sure does sound a lot like shaving, but dermaplaning is actually different. Shaving uses a blade that’s poised just above the surface of your skin, and it’s designed to cut off coarser hair above the skin’s surface or just level with it. Dermaplaning’s special blade actually rests on the skin’s surface, and the dermaplaning technique allows the blade to get even closer to your skin without cutting it or irritating it in any way. Plus, while normal razor blades just bend those fine hairs without cutting them, the special dermaplaning blade is designed to get rid of vellum while also exfoliating that top layer of dead, dull skin. The result is a smooth finish that’s far beyond what a “regular” razor can provide.
Dermaplaning is a great choice to help you look your best right before a special event. To maintain those results and keep your skin its freshest, many patients opt for monthly treatments. Bonus: Because dermaplaning effectively exfoliates your skin and gets rid of dead cells and other gunk, it’s a great complement to other facial treatments and products to help reduce the signs of aging and help your skin feel soft and fresh.
Enjoy smoother, fresher skin with dermaplaning
Dermaplaning is safe for all skin types, and it can be used in combination with many other skin treatments and products. Plus, the treatment is fast, and there’s no downtime. What’s not to love? If you’d like to learn more about dermaplaning at Qvita Health & Wellness and how it can help your skin look smooth and beautiful, contact the practice today.